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News and Events

SJCS Club Meetings
Mark your calendars and join the clubs!

Gym Uniform Schedule
What to wear? Here's your "specials" uniform guide.

Back to School Ice Cream Social
Our back to school ice cream social, with a rainbow to top it off! We are truly blessed! Welcome back, St. John's!

Back to School Ice Cream Social
Ease back into school with a tour of your students' classrooms and say hello to your teachers and classmates! This year there will be an...

Back to School Open House- for parents!
Back to school open house- come connect with your students' teachers and prepare for the school year!

Yorkey named new principal for St. John’s Catholic School
John Patrick “J.P.” Yorkey will be the new principal at St. John’s Catholic School in Brunswick effective July 1, 2024. Shelly Wheeler...

Now Enrolling!
We still have a few desks waiting for eager learners at St. John's Catholic School! Contact us to schedule a visit and learn more about...

Dedication of the Father Murphy Prayer Garden
Monday, June 10th, marked the Dedication of the Father Murphy Prayer Garden at SJCS. This garden has been a work in progress, led by Mrs....

Congratulations to the class of 2024!
We couldn't be more proud of you and can't wait to see what you accomplish!

St. John’s Catholic School team wins University of Southern Maine CubeSat competition
Two visionary eighth graders have helped the future to arrive at St. John's Catholic School in Brunswick, with the two-student team...

Thank you Curtis Memorial Library!
As the school year wraps up, 2nd grade returned their library books and said "thank you" to Ms. Jocelyn at Curtis Memorial Library. We...

Middle School Dance
On Friday, June 7th, we brought back the much-anticipated middle school dances, and it was a blast! The theme was a unique mix of the...

Field Day Fun
All the students highly look forward to the friendly-competition of field day! We love watching the students compete an d encourage each...

St. John's Students Form a Giving Chain
St. John's Catholic School in Brunswick is wrapping up another incredible school year with a community project to make sure their...

Student Art Show
“I am extremely proud of our students for their abilities and determination this year in the Art program at SJCS. Their artwork shined...
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