
the Salko Family
Don Francis
“St. John’s Catholic School has been our children’s home away from home for the last ten years. We chose it because of its excellent reputation for academic excellence and because we wanted our children to have a good, strong foundation rooted in faith. Our oldest daughter graduated from SJCS nearly two years ago and has achieved extremely high academic standing in her first two years of high school. She has a strong sense of self, an excellent moral compass, and she understands how important it is to serve her community. SJCS certainly prepared her very well for the rigors of an honors education at the high school level while giving her that faith foundation that keeps her grounded. We couldn’t be prouder to have one St. John’s alumnus in our home and are thrilled to have her three siblings following in her path. It is a joy to witness growth in their faith alongside their knowledge and a blessing to know that every day we are sending them to a place where they are loved and cared for beyond measure.”

The Shean Family
Ashley Jones
“Our connection with St. John’s Catholic School and All Saints Parish is deeper than just the education. This school was a priority to our family before my wife and I had children. As we started our housing search, the proximity to St. John’s and commuting considerations were in the forefront. There was never a discussion about if our children would go to St. John’s, for our family it is a given.
As a Parent, I see aspects of the St. John’s community that eluded me as a student. The teachers are truly unique. They know the needs of their students and look for each student to meet their personal best and full potential. The community at St. John’s Catholic School is also beyond compare. There are no strangers at St. John’s. All the teachers know all the students, and all the students know each other. It is not uncommon to be out around town and have other students recognize my kids and greet them by name with warm, jovial embrace, even when out of uniform.
To those who know her, St. John’s Catholic School serves as the benchmark for education. There is a bond between those who are blessed with the connection of St. John’s. There is feeling that cannot be put into words of the joy, satisfaction, confidence, and prestige that surrounds the St. John’s experience.”

The Smith Family
Tess Brown
“We moved from Virginia to Maine for work when our oldest was two. We were committed to raising our children in this new place, far from our family and friends. We immersed ourselves in All Saints Parish, joined a Family Group and began to develop meaningful friendships.
This was the first parish we belonged to that also had a school. Having the opportunity to put our kids through a private education was a dream, but we were now faced with a decision to make. Not just a decision on where to send our oldest for Kindergarten, or how to pay tuition, but a real commitment to the type of education we wanted to provide for all our children.
We spoke with current and former SJCS parents about their experience. The feedback was everything you want in your child’s educational experience, glowing reviews about the teachers, high academic standards, small class sizes, and more. One couple simply said, “We absolutely love St. John’s, you will not regret sending your children there.”
Four years later and our love for our little school has grown immensely. We now have four children, two of which are current students and the younger ones will be in a few years. Our children are in small classes and are challenged in a rigorous yet fun academic curriculum. Most importantly, their daily routine involves learning and embracing our catholic faith, which we feel is the greatest gift.
We are among an entire school community of wonderful families and educators, we feel beyond blessed to have the opportunity to attend SJCS.”
Mrs. Loubier
Lisa Rose
“I was a parent of a student here before I became a staff member and I longed for a loving supportive environment like St. John’s. The standards of behavior for both students and staff is significantly higher than any public school in which I’ve worked. Something I love about St. John’s is the incredible feeling of community. I have never worked in a school where the kids as a whole genuinely care for one another. The kindness students share with kids in their own grade, as well as to kids in other grades is truly heartwarming. I would recommend SJCS to any family who not only wants to challenge their children academically, but to also have their child submersed in an environment that instills morals and values into their daily learning.”